I can't help smiling and gushing to myself. My BB has started kungfu fighting in my womb! Some time 2 weeks ago, I could feel some definite stirrings in my tummy, although that might have happened even earlier but I wasn't aware. The thing is BB's first movements are usually very faint and its not exactly like what you expect a kick to be. Many preggies liken the movement to the flapping of a butterfly's wings (how poetic) although I told a close friend that it feels like farting in the womb (how unbecoming). Anyway from now I shall subscribe to the former more euphemistic comparison to avoid being laughed at.
My baby has been exposed to snotty classical music since the time I knew I was pregnant. Apparently that helps to boost BB's brain power and helps sooth babies when they are in an irritable mood. Honestly, I am not so much a fan myself. 2 nights ago, I tried a different approach. My friend told me to place the earphones on my tummy (specifically near the belly button) to best guarantee that BB hears the music. And so I pestered my hubby to transfer the music onto his Iphone and stole his expensive earphones for the above task.
My goodness! my BB (perhaps my friend) indeed didn't disappoint! He responded to the first track 'Ode to Joy' with such a vigorous kick that likening it to the flapping of wings would be doing him a grave injustice. For the next few tracks, my BB kept up his model behaviour with the utmost fervour. Even his usually apathetic and movement-insensitive daddy smiled with pride for having felt something so definite the first time.
Eli: You have another date with Mummy and the Ipod tonight :) Please don't make me so terribly hungry again.
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